Que Pasa?
Frogger: I have a frog that changes colors living outside in my washbasin…I just hope I don’t bleach him by mistake one day, because mistakes do happen.
Play that funky beat: I love when I walk into a business establishment, for example the local internet café or a local restaurant, the owner sees me enter and simultaneously disappears into a back room, and then moments later I hear the melodies of Elton John or Billy Joel being played through the overhead speakers…
“Polvo” (“Dust”)=Dirt=Extensive Cleaning: It is becoming increasingly dusty lately, as it heats up everything is turning brown and the dust is being kicked up. Not fun.
Low electrical lines: In front of my house there are electrical lines running everywhere, and they are hung rather low. A week ago, I witnessed a large truck drive up my street, recognize that the lines were hung low, but they preceded forward anyway…meanwhile the truck’s passenger, climbed out of the window and got on-top of the truck. As they approached the wires, he lifted them over the truck one at a time. How did he know they weren’t live wires? The answer: He didn’t, but he risked it anyway because who wants to go through the hassle of reversing a vehicle.
Eskimo: The ice cream vendor starts selling ice cream around 9am…should I really be eating an ice cream sandwich for breakfast?
My heart will go on…make it stop:
La gata “the cat”: Yet another nickname, because of my blue eyes people also call me “the cat”…because apparently cats have clear eyes…does this also mean that I have 9 lives? …eat mice? ...have hairballs?
Bike problems (the ongoing saga): My bike broke down yet again, and this time it was really really broken. I couldn’t even walk it back into town because everything was out of alignment, so I reached for a rock and banged and banged on my bike (no this was not an act of rage or frustration) I was repairing it…and guess what, it actually worked…wait to go caveman tool!
Food dishes that are scrumptiously delicious: I ate a “potato fried thing” yesterday that reminded me of McDonalds’ breakfast hash browns except for one difference, my hash brown was filled with beans and rice but no toy…top that McDonalds!
Water and electricity out again: This past week I was without water and lights, but around midnight yesterday I was awakened by the drip drip drop of trickling water. I rushed outside to start filling up buckets. Then I started to rinse out dirty laundry that had been sitting in a soapy tub of water for over a week. I was soaking my undergarments in a bucket and decided to start cleaning the bathroom as well (because I thought there was a good chance that there might not be water again in the morning). Without thinking I dumped the bucket with my undergarments out into my wash tub, and filled the bucket up again to wash out the toilet (side note: my toilet doesn’t flush automatically and therefore I have to dump a bucket of water down it to flush it…or in this case to clean it). Well, I didn’t know it at the time, but I accidently left a pair of underwear in the bucket and then proceeded to dump the water in the toilet. Thus, washing away a clean pair of undies…but thank goodness not clogging the toilet…Whoops.
While waiting for the bus, I was approached by a really friendly lady who told me she lives in Dario,
Jiminy Cricket, was all cute and smiley in the classic Disney movie Pinocchio, whistling away as the unfortunate pathological liar of a puppet got himself into deeper and deeper trouble. However, I have found that the cricket whistle is not music to my ears, and I have never uttered the words “give a little whistle.” In fact just the opposite, I have been squashing a few here and there but it doesn’t even seem to make a dent in their population and infestation in my house. The bugs and their nonstop chirping have infiltrated and taken over my bedroom. They are in my roof between the tiles, under and on top of my bed, in my shoes, and well, it seems they are just about everywhere. On the bright side, the cockroach and mouse population has been drastically diminished. Also, my clothes are no longer moldy. In fact, they dry in 5 minutes flat after I put them on the barbed wire line.
This week marked the first week of school, and what a headache. I went around begging and pleading for the principals to get the class started. I will briefly explain the craziness of school scheduling: Teachers gather in a big room and on the chalkboard there is a giant grid that includes all the days of the week and the different time sessions for school. Next, teachers start marking off what classes they are teaching, what grades, etc. etc. When all of this is finally worked out …they throw it away…and start anew…yes that’s right, they do it all again…this goes on for weeks and weeks. As if for not, the schedule is re-scheduled and all of this creates confusion and disorganization. Teachers don’t like it …but that’s just how it is.
I have been on a lot of crazy bus rides, and recently I went on another crazy ride. I loaded onto a microbus (aka a mini-van) and it started out that everyone had a seat (15 people total)…then we started driving towards our destination and picking up more people…20 people, 23 people, a family of 5 jumped on increasing the total to 28…30 people AHHHHHHH!! It got to the point that there were so many people in this thing that the sliding van door…WOULD NOT CLOSE…people were hanging out the side of a MINI-VAN going 50mph. Naturally, there were a lot of profanities floating through my head during this ride…
To my dismay, I hopped the “slow bus” yesterday, unknowingly, which turned the usual 45 minute ride into a 1 hour and 45 minute experience. The bus crept along at a snail’s pace all the way to my school. When I finally reached the school, I had 5 minutes to slam down my lunch and then teach class. I went into the classroom as the students were all standing in the quad receiving announcements from the principal. About 10 minutes later a rush of students bombarded my classroom. Like a school of salmon swimming upstream, the students pushed through the classroom door. More and more students continued to flow in and I looked around thinking…how can we possibly fit any more people in this room? Turns out we fit 90 students in a classroom built for 30. The desks were arranged side by side all the way up to the chalkboard. I was only able to walk in front of the class if I took steps sideways. Nobody could stand up because they were all trapped in their desks, yet class went on and in the end it went well (all things considered). There were some great ideas generated, but the classroom environment was not very conducive to active learning, but we all dealt with it because we had no choice.
Another shop that I purchase stuff at!
The school year is back in full swing, and I am teaching a full load. I bike ride everyday to get from school to school, and in this heat it’s a tough ride. I think the kids are glad to be back in school and I am happy to be working with them all again. So far, so good, things are getting done and school hasn’t been canceled too much (but only 3 weeks into the school year and I have already had some of my classes canceled). It’s rough when class is canceled because then the next class feels really rushed, we have a lot of material to cover and we have to get through it all…so I act a bit like a drill sergeant…to get things done. I really want all my kids to be able to compete in the competitions at the end of the school year, which means putting in a lot of work now (but the payoff in the end is worth it and it’s a huge motivator). The class is the same course I taught the previous year, a business course, where students learn about small business owners, stocks, market studies, business planning etc. and create their own products and businesses. At the end of the year they can enter their Business Plan and product in a total of 3 ascending competitions (with prizes) to compete against other Nicaraguan students all over the country. In the end, the most creative product takes the grand prize (the kids love competition…and so do all of my co-teachers).
So a few weeks ago an Evangelical church moved into the neighborhood. They started zapping everyone’s electricity because they were plugging in their ridiculously large speaker system and singing at the top of their lungs. Well, I am happy to report that they have been kicked out and moved to another location (where they will most likely be kicked out of as well). Everyone around me started to complain about the noise, which is a big deal because
I recently struck up a conversation on a bus with a 40 something year old musician that travels around